One of the most reputable publications in the USA and the whole world is the Wall Street Journal – business newspaper the readers could count on. The users are able to select from two available variants – printed or online. Wall Street Journal online is meant as the digital version of the hot topic articles and requires the subscription for the current period of time. The online version is noticeable with its capability to be presented on any portable devices and PC as well. There different types of the Wall Street Journal online subscription.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) – all variants for users to subscribe
The pricing plans for the Wall Street Journal digital subscription could vary. The basic service range will cost 39 $ but there are permanent sales and special offers for people who are interested in the informative pro-business articles. For example, actual sale for all the users worldwide is being run now.
In honor of the USA Independence Day, it is possible to get the Wall Street Journal subscription for only 1 dollar a month. Having paid just 2 $, the reader would get the 2-months access to the fresh news. Other special options that should be taken into account are presented below. Among the interesting offers are:
- Student sales – only 4 $ per month for digital pack only and 10 $ each month for the printable newspaper version and digital variant all-in-one;
- All Access Digital low-price campaign – 50 % discount in case of 6-months or 1-year subscription.
It is worth mentioning that there is no opportunity to have the Wall Street Journal weekend subscription only. The new publications appear every 6 days. That is why it is reasonable to try the weekly pricing plan to try the service range provided.

The primary audience of the newspaper
The Wall Street Journal articles will be helpful for beginner and advanced investors, traders and other market makers. The possibility to get the best rates is high for the new newspaper readers. Most of the American companies which are related to the financial sector order the quarterly corporation plan with the All Access Digital concept. So it is rational to notice that the primary audience of WSJ is the businessmen, accouters, investors and traders. All of them could bank on the fresh news to read, the novelties in the financial sector, events description, etc. The additional package for students incites the representatives of the new generation to take an interest in the global economy.
Summarizing the review, it is useful to say that the WSJ newspaper obtains more PROS than CONS for the market makers and other people who are interested in the financial architecture. The question of the subscription cancellation is among the weak sides. The consumers want to have the opportunity to cancel the subscription with the help of an email letter or online. Now only the cancellation within the call to the Customer Service is available.